Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Beautiful shine

Last night I thought BG and I needed a bit of a rest from our recent battles so I decided she would just have a good groom after her tea and be turned back out again. She still has odd patches of her winter coat (it is almost June!) but most of her is a beautiful golden shine. It is so lovely once you brush all the dust off, it shimmers. Her dapples are faintly showing through too. Then I had to coat her in fly repellent as there are just swarms of flies everywhere.

Last night was their first night without hay nets this year. All three ponies had stopped hanging round expecting their hay in the evenings and happily went off grazing till I put them up. You can tell how un-fussed they’d become by hay, BG let P2 share her hay net!

Strangely, there is no boss out of the three. Over winter they shared their field with two others (say O1 and O2). O1 was the boss of P1, who was the boss of O2, who was the boss of BG who was the boss of poor little P2 (well, he is the smallest). There was a defined hierarchy which you expect with horses. Now the three ponies are on there own they seem to like chasing each other round and round in circles. P1 still bosses BG, who still bosses P2, but P2 has become the boss of P1. When they forget you put up a hay-net each and they can only find two they will just continually chase each other off.

I am glad to say that P1 isn’t really that mean to BG, sometimes a bite on her bottom but other than that she sees him coming and has the sense to move off without a fight. I think when P2 first arrived BG didn’t quite figure out this funny little thing was a pony, and now I think she just objects to him as I wouldn’t be surprised if he has pretended to be a stallion with her ( and she is a bit too old and dignified to put up with that behaviour). They were separated a couple of times when they were first put together, but if the hay net sharing is anything to go by they are now getting over their disagreements.

BG trotted in for her breakfast this morning which was lovely to see, we haven’t had that for a little while.

I tried to ring the farrier too, who is going to ring me back. They did suggest that they contact P1’s owner and see if she would be there for BG’s trim rather than trying to fit it around my work schedule. Just a slight problem with that I said, she won’t be able to catch her!

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