Friday, 4 June 2010

Very tense

BG seemed a little tense tonight. I don't know why. She took a bit of persuading to come in for her tea (I jinxed it with my entry the other day) and let me groom her, fly repellent her, do her hooves etc. with no issues, other than the fact she was very tense. You could tell she was ready to react to anything that might upset her. I still don't know why she was tense. She has been on her own most of the day as P1 and P2 were heading out when we got up to give her her breakfast, but I would have thought she would have got over that by tonight.

She had her saddle on and, as usual, refused to walk out her field shelter. Today I used the lunging whip to try and encourage her out. I didn't want to touch her with it as I thought she might freak and really upset herself, but just having it seemed to encourage her to walk on a bit better.

Out she went and off the saddle came. Then she had a lunge where she was really striding out nicely in trot.

Yesterday we had a good night. I didn't lunge her, I thought I would just do a bit in hand with her since she had begun to get a bit headstrong being lead. She was really good though, very responsive, walked perfectly on a loose rein most the time. I wish we'd taken her out for a walk on the lanes now.

Still waiting to hear back from the farrier, BG is starting to get some cracks on her near-fore now. Also, I have left a message with the vets to ring me back, BG is due her annual vaccinations, this time she needs flu and tetanus. I've also asked to have her sedated so her teeth can be checked too. I have never been around when a horse has had that done so it will be something new for me.

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