Wednesday, 25 August 2010

I wish the wind would die down

I like the cooler weather and I don’t mind the rain, but I wish it was a little less windy. I quite like the wind too, most of the time, but when trying to work with BG it doesn’t help at all. I spend most my day at work meaning I don’t get much choice about when I can work with her, so to get up there in the evening to strong winds and BG being silly makes me a little upset. I just want to spend some quality time with my pony and work towards achieving something.

Last night with the wind I couldn’t lunge her. The wind catches at the lunge line and tugs it in front of her making her scared. I didn’t want to do nothing with her since I need to keep her weight under control and there was the hint of heat in her hooves which there hasn’t been for a while. So I stuck to just walking her in hand. I have been thinking about introducing some bends in her straight work, but last night it was all I could do to stop her running round and round me in the wind. I did lead her alongside the mounting block and over the little jump but called it a day after that since she was very on her toes and just getting herself more wound up. Unfortunately she knocked the jump over since she tried to jump it from a stand-still. I think I will lower it and build her confidence up more before asking her to jump that height again, I read her trotting up to it, stopping and then jumping as a lack of confidence with the task.

Monday night she had lunged reasonably nicely and I managed to get the knot out of her tail.

Then this morning I was very pleased with her. After letting us catch her in the field weeks ago, to reverting to not coming in at all and needing my husband to herd her down, she made her own way down this morning with no coaxing.

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