Friday, 21 January 2011

And in the dark too

I have never attempted to put a head collar on BG in the field in the dark. I will do so in her field shelter by torch light, but considering how funny she is outside anyway, I didn’t think having head collar straps flying round her head when she couldn’t see them would do any good at all. After yesterday morning’s success though I did attempt it in the evening.

I led her into her pen and my husband held the torch. I went to hold the head collar out for her only to find her head was already in the food bowl having her first mouthful. She is normally quite patient and waits until I hold her head collar out and puts it on until she starts eating, but when it is dark I have always just put her food bowl down and let her eat in the field, so I can’t blame her for being eager.

I showed her the head collar and she stole another mouthful of food before she realised what I was asking. By this time I was thinking ‘oh no, she’ll have a strop because she has already had food and she’ll get upset I interrupted her with the scary head collar and holding it at eye level’…but she didn’t. It took her five attempts of dipping her nose in and out of the head collar and a bit of pulling back from me before she let me put it on properly, but she let me do it! I was so impressed with her. It sounds silly, most people expect to be able to catch their horses, but for BG and me these little hurdles (changes to normal routine) are a big achievement.

This morning she was good again. It does make me wonder a little if she is very hungry, the fact she is being so good to get her food, but she has plenty of covering on her.

She was a little timid this morning around us, I’m not sure why but she was being very careful; inquisitive but tentative. She is a beautiful pony.

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