Thursday, 3 March 2011

Lovely morning

Today I had the day off work and nothing to do - it felt so strange. I couldn't think of a better way to spend the morning than with BG though, especially as it was a nice day to be out in the field. It was cold, but not too windy, and no rain. I gave her a thorough groom which is half an hours work. I didn't quite get all the mud of her fetlocks but I felt around that area to ensure it was just mud and there were no scabs on her legs.

After her groom I led her out and did a little in-hand work before lunging her. I even got her to stop and then stay there whilst I walked away, before calling her to me. Normally she won't stay as she takes me moving as an indication for her to move too. I think it probably helped she was half distracted by something in the hedge so not so impressive as it could have been.

She was very good on the lunge, though she was carrying her head quite low the whole time. She did spring into trot beautifully though and seemed much lighter on her hooves than last time I lunged her. I did quite a few quick transitions with her to get her listening and she almost looked like she was enjoying it. She looks like she needs to build up some muscle though.

As a treat, after she had finished, I gave her the paddock lick in her field to have whilst I poo-picked the field. She started to chew at the plastic container after a bit because the lick had got low on the inside - I will know in future to remove the lick from the container straight away, I'm worried she might cut her mouth chewing on it. I had a bit of a battle with scissors to try and get the lick out of the container for her though, by the time I had managed to remove it she had taken herself off and was happily grazing, so I've hidden it away for another day.

It was lovely to spend time up there this morning with her, even just watching her grazing. The down-side on news recently though is that she has been funny having her hooves picked out again. I did them last night and she was really kicking back with her hind-legs, so much so I have been banned from picking them out unless my husband is up the field too just in case she catches me. When my husband stood at her head she was fine, but when I just tried doing them on my own like normal she was a pain. I think it is because she was wanting her hay net but whatever the reason it is unacceptable behaviour that I need to sort out.

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