Monday, 13 June 2011

Getting away with a quiet life

Things have been a little different around here for a couple of weeks. Finally my daughter made an appearance in the world so we have all, including BG, started to learn to adapt to a new routine that fits us all in. At the moment though it means there is very little time to do much work with BG, so she is getting away with an easy life which I think suits her down to the ground, except her tummy is getting a little big.

I have continued to visit her every day, but not always twice a day, so my husband has been doing the trips I have been unable to. She is being mucked out, water cleaned, poo-picking done, grooming, fly spray, food and all the basics, but not a lot more. I have managed to lunge her once since the birth, but only a quick lunge. I did think it would be easier than this. 'Babies sleep, so I could do BG whilst the little one slept' I thought. This is great in theory, but the problem is you don't know when the little one is going to sleep, and she normally seems to wake just as we get up the field and I don't want to leave my husband with a screaming baby for too long.

Other than being a bit on the podgy side BG is doing well. Last night we had rain! It was also very windy and the wind had blown the door shut on the field shelter and wound BG up. She came galloping across for her tea and I didn't think I stood a chance of getting the head collar on her so I left it off. I thought she'd stay in in the dry but after eating she left to prowl up and down the electric fence line looking for more grass. This resulted in her tossing her head and running up and down as the wind caught the tape. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the electric fence was down today. Before I left I put up some hay in her shelter, hoping it would encourage her to stay out of the rain for a little bit. I made sure the door was tied securely open first though, so she won't be trapped in.

Other than last night with the head collar I have got it on at every visit, although on Thursday and Friday she was a bit of a pain and it took several attempts to get it over her nose and I had her swinging her bottom round to face me a few times.

My husband hasn't been having quite so much luck. BG missed her breakfast the morning she wouldn't let him get the head collar on, so my husband hasn't tried again since. She also missed her breakfast on Thursday. Overnight she had escaped through the electric tape (first time since we fenced her off at the end of January, and the fence was getting a little slack in places so our mistake) onto all the long grass, so had no doubt been stuffing her face all night which I think has contributed to her larger belly. Luckily my husband had no trouble getting her back on the correct side of the fence and putting it up, although BG wouldn't go anywhere near him and legged it down the field, he was impressed with how fast she can run!

So that is the brief update on the last two weeks. Oh, except we also got ten bales of hay ready for the winter too, thanks to the lady who used to have P1 and P2 sharing with BG. Next week BG has her annual vaccinations and teeth check, so that could be interesting.

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