Friday 24 December 2010

Happy Christmas!

Poor BG is finding the ground very hard on her hooves, and the farrier is due out on Monday to trim them which will probably make them slightly more tender. I really want to get them seen to though as the crack on her near fore, which had so nearly grown out last time, has started to split up the hoof wall again and with ice and mud getting in it, it is only going to get worse.
She was due to have her hooves trimmed this Monday but I got a text at 6:30am to say the farrier’s van had broken down so she couldn’t make it. She is still having issues with it but she will be borrowing another vehicle to come out to us on Monday. I must admit I am feeling very grateful to my farrier at the moment. Normally it is such a struggle to arrange a convenient time for us both, but she suggested Monday since she knew I would be off work, and then she is planning on finding alternative arrangements to make it out to us. I just hope there is enough to take off BG’s hooves to make it worth the trip, but it will have been 12 weeks since the last visit so there should be.
Also, with BG being slightly heavier than I would like and the ground still being frozen solid I hope she (BG) will be okay after the trim.

I can’t believe it is Christmas tomorrow – I am not ready for it, but for BG it will be the same as any other day. I haven’t bought her a present I’m afraid, I did look at licks but didn’t find a suitable one and she doesn’t need anything like a new head collar. I don’t normally get her anything. If she is lucky she might get a carrot chopped up in her breakfast and tea. I read that lots of people give their horses Guinness in their Christmas food, and I was tempted to try it, but BG can be quite suspicious if her food smells different so I don’t think I’ll risk it.

The best Christmas present would be the ground being safe enough for my husband and I to be able to take BG for a walk out of her field, and I think she would love that more than anything else too.

Happy Christmas everyone (if anyone actually reads this), and to all your pets too!

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