Tuesday 29 June 2010

Best of friends

P1 and BG seem to be best of friends these days. BG is quite an independent little girl, and will graze happily with or without other horses and won’t get too upset if left on her own. P1 gets very upset if left behind, even if he still has others for company. So I think it is more P1’s doing than BG’s that they seem inseparable.

I bring BG in for her food. It takes a bit of tempting in this hot weather so I have been quite lucky that a couple of times P1 has helped head her in the right direction and get her moving. So she eats her Happy Hoof and moves to look out of the field shelter entrance whilst I cover her in fly repellent and coat her hooves in water. P1 will stand just outside the entrance and either demand a groom (I can’t see why as the fly repellent must taste horrible) or fall asleep with his head bobbing next to BG’s. Last night their eyes were an inch apart but they were both in such a lovely mood I wasn’t afraid they’d snap at each other or anything like that.

Then I led BG out and turned her loose. P1 follows her round the field, herding her every so often and ensuring he stays stuck to her side. It is a nice sight seeing two horse behinds shining in the sun a few inches away from each other. He did herd her into a trot a couple of times which made her look a little sore.

Poor P2 seems to have been left out. He is found grazing on the far side of the field to the other two. Although, the other day, I must have led BG too far away in the field as he let out a call and he and P1 charged over to check she was okay. So I’m sure he could join them if he wanted.

The grass is quite long in places in the field. There is something about horses grazing in long grass, it just looks so beautiful and peaceful.

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